Are you Rapturable?

Monday, 31 July 2017



After the rapture:

Appetite for ​marriage​ will die!

Appetite for ​job​ will die!

Appetite for ​admission​ will die!

Appetite to be the ​President​ of your country will die!

​Men of God​ that missed it will be ashamed to come out from their houses because of the  shame of their members seeing them!

​Christians​ that missed it will equally be ashamed to go close to those ​unbelievers​ they preached to but never gave heed to the gospel message!

I mean after the rapture, ​those who loved motivational messages​ will dislike them with passion and shall seek for ​messages of salvation!​

Beloved, after the rapture, ​grace​ on its own accord will cease here on earth!

​Spiritual gifts​ will not be available because there will be no ​Holy Spirit​ to manifest them!

Those who are not raptured will take home the ​belongings​ of those that are raptured, if
peradventure it happened in a ​church service!​

Those who never believed in rapture shall do so but it must have become ​too late!​

I said after the rapture, those that miss it shall ​cry without end​ and no one to offer a word of hope because it will be all over then!
People that will make it to heaven will have to do that with their blood .
It is only ​SIN​ that has what it takes to drop any man in ​HELL.​

Therefore Let us lay aside ​every weight​ and ​sin​ that doth so easily beset us and let us run with  ​perseverance,​ the race that is set before us...

Beloved, let's pay more attention to ​

It is my prayer that ​We​ shall not miss ​heaven​ in Jesus' name. Amen.

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